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Alexander Peal

Issue: Forests

Julio Cusurichi

In the remote Peruvian Amazon, Julio Cusurichi secured a national reserve to protect both sensitive rainforest ecosystems and the rights of indigenous peoples living in voluntary isolation from the devastating effects of logging and mining.

Silas Siakor

At great personal risk, Silas Siakor released evidence that former President Charles Taylor used profits from illegal logging to pay for a brutal civil war, leading to a United Nations Security Council ban on the export of Liberian timber.

José Andrés Tamayo

Despite death threats and harassment, Father Tamayo organized and led marches to pressure the government to stop the illegal logging that plagues communities in central Honduras.

Tarcísio Feitosa

Tarcísio Feitosa documented extensive illegal logging and helped a grassroots environmental coalition create the world’s largest group of protected tropical forest regions.

Anne Kajir

Anne Kajir won a precedent-setting lawsuit on landholder rights against a global timber company that conducted large-scale, illegal logging in the largest remaining intact block of tropical forests in Papua New Guinea.

Isidro Baldenegro

Isidro Baldenegro was jailed for 15 months for organizing protests against illegal logging in the Sierra Madre Mountains and his work to defend the forests, lands and rights of indigenous people.

Odigha Odigha

Odigha Odigha’s work has resulted in representation for Nigerian civil society in all forest management policies, including a statewide logging moratorium to protect the country’s remaining rainforests.

Alexis Massol González

A civil engineer, Alexis Massol-González established Puerto Rico’s first community-managed forest reserve, Bosque del Pueblo (People’s Forest), where shade-grown coffee and eco-tourism bring income to the community.

Fatima Jibrell

Fatima Jibrell saved northeastern Somalia from the massive logging of old-growth acacia trees by persuading the regional government to create and enforce a ban on exports of charcoal made from the trees.

Alexander Peal

Alexander Peal helped create Sapo National Park, Liberia’s first national park, and founded the country’s first environmental NGO. Having fled Liberia’s civil war, he sustained its conservation movement from abroad for nearly 10 years.