2005 Prize Media & Materials
Media & Material from Other Years:

Kaisha Atakhanova, 2005 Goldman Environmental Prize Winner, Asia (Kazakhstan), delivers her acceptance speech in San Francisco, April 18, 2005.
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Kaisha Atakhanova, 2005 Goldman Environmental Prize Winner, Asia (Kazakhstan), with petition for nuclear rights, Sarzhal.
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Kaisha Atakhanova, 2005 Goldman Environmental Prize Winner, Asia (Kazakhstan), at a memorial to nuclear victims called, "Stronger than Death."
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Kaisha Atakhanova, 2005 Goldman Environmental Prize Winner, Asia (Kazakhstan).
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Kaisha Atakhanova, 2005 Goldman Environmental Prize Winner, Asia (Kazakhstan), with Ouroboros statuette.
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Fresh cut old growth trees are trucked out the Sierra Madre. Courtesy of the Goldman Environmental Foundation.
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Isidro at home in the village of Coloradas de la Virgen, Chihuahua. Courtesy of the Goldman Environmental Foundation.
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Deep mountain gorge of the Sierra Madre, home to the Tarahumara indigneous people. Courtesy of Goldman Environmental Foundation.
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Corneille Ewango, 2005 Goldman Environmental Prize Winner, Africa (Democratic Republic of Congo), raises his Ouroboros statuette, with Founder Richard N. Goldman.
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Children in the village of Epulu in the Okapi Faunal Reserve, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2004.
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Corneille Ewango, 2005 Goldman Environmental Prize Winner, Africa (Democratic Republic of Congo), on a bridge over the Epulu River that was targeted during the civil war. Ewango hid out at the foot of the bridge before he could safely cross.
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Guards from the Okapi Faunal Reserve performing morning exercises. They protect the reserve from poachers, loggers and miners. Corneille Ewango, 2005 Goldman Prize Winner, Africa (Democratic Republic of Congo), has been central in the protection efforts.
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Corneille Ewango, 2005 Goldman Environmental Prize Winner, Africa (Democratic Republic of Congo), with Ouroboros statuette.
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Chavannes Jean-Baptiste, 2005 Goldman Environmental Prize Winner, Islands & Island Nations (Haiti), at a traditional konbit--a communal work day spent building walls to conserve the soil.
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Chavannes Jean-Baptiste, 2005 Goldman Environmental Prize Winner, Islands & Island Nations (Haiti), at the MPP training center in Papay, Haiti.
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Chavannes Jean-Baptiste, 2005 Goldman Environmental Prize Winner, Islands & Island Nations (Haiti), with Ouroboros statuette.
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Stephanie Danielle Roth, receiving the 2005 Goldman Environmental Prize for Europe from Founder Richard N. Goldman.
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Stephanie Danielle Roth, 2005 Goldman Environmental Prize Winner, Europe (Romania), who has been championing a battle between area farm families and the mining company stands at ground zero in Rosia Montana, the oldest documented village in Romania.
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Stephanie Danielle Roth, 2005 Goldman Environmental Prize Winner, Europe (Romania), with Ouroboros statuette.
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In-Country Recipient Photos

Clear-cutting near Salamá, Honduras. Father Jose Andres Tamayo Cortez, 2005 Goldman Environmental Prize Winner, Central & South America (Honduras), opposed these operations.
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Father Jose Andres Tamayo Cortez, 2005 Goldman Environmental Prize Winner, Central & South America (Honduras), with his parishioners in Salama, Olancho, Honduras.
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Father Jose Andres Tamayo Cortez, 2005 Goldman Environmental Prize Winner, Central & South America (Honduras), in the mountans of Salama, Olancho, Honduras.
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Father Jose Andres Tamayo Cortez, 2005 Goldman Environmental Prize Winner, Central & South America (Honduras), with his parishioners in Salama, Olancho, Honduras.