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More recent coverage of recipients in the field

August 9, 2010

Luis Yanza (Ecuador, 2008) traveled to the Gulf Coast with a delegation of indigenous leaders to advise communities affected by the BP oil spill disaster.

July 22, 2010
Advice for fighting oil companies
PRI’s The World

As part of the Discovery Channel’s Shark Week programming, Discovery News aired an interview with Randall Arauz (Costa Rica, 2010) about his leadership in the fight against shark finning in Central American waters.
July 29, 2010
Shark Finning Whistleblower On Gruesome Video
Discovery News

Australia’s The Age delves into Tuy Sereivathana’s (Cambodia, 2010) incredible personal story about growing up under the Khmer Rouge and his subsequent success with community-based elephant conservation.
July 31, 2010
The elephant king
The Age

Humberto Ríos Labrada (Cuba, 2010) discusses his work promoting seed diversity and involving local farmers in experimental agriculture.
July 30, 2010
Give Farming Back to Farmers: Cuban Revolution
Allianz Knowledge

Yuyun Ismawati (Indonesia, 2009) advocates for effective and environmentally-responsible disposal of medical waste in Indonesia.
August 4, 2010
How Hospitals Put Public Health at Risk With Lax Handling of Biomedical Waste
Jakarta Globe

Human rights attorney Harrison Ngau Laing (Malaysia, 1990) was pulled aside and questioned before boarding a plane in Borneo, hinting at a tightening of restrictions on civil society leaders.
August 4, 2010
Borneo human rights lawyer quizzed by police
Survival International

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