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Join Us for GoldmanLIVE 2017!

March 29, 2017

Once again this year we will stream the Goldman Environmental Prize ceremony live on our website and Facebook page from 5:30pm PDT on Monday April 24. If you are not familiar with the Goldman Environmental Prize ceremonies, check out last year’s recording of the ceremony when six environmental heroes received their award.

The 2017 Ceremony

This year, our Master of Ceremonies introducing each of the 2017 Prize recipients will be award-winning news anchor Pam Moore. We are also fortunate to once again have actor, director and environmentalist Robert Redford as the voice of the short documentary films featuring each of the six activists we will be honoring.

Join the Conversation

Throughout the ceremony, we will be sharing filters using the hashtag #GoldmanPrize to build momentum and capture key moments from each of our recipients. Download the free Quollective app in the app store to use custom-designed Goldman Prize filters to post the best quotes from the ceremony, or visit our Facebook page during and after the ceremony to see and share our favorites.

Instructions on how to create your own are below:

Once again during the ceremony, we will be sharing the different ways you can take action on behalf of the inspirational heroes we will be celebrating that evening. Stay tuned by following us on Twitter and using the hashtag #GoldmanPrize.

Mark Your Calendar!

To be notified when we go live on Facebook, make sure you RSVP to our Facebook event and follow our page.

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