June 17, 2011
How much are you willing to donate to environmental conservation? A few hours of your time? A few dollars from your pocket?
How about your home and all of the property it sits on?
That is exactly what 1990 Goldman Prize winner Bob Brown of Australia did on June 15. Brown donated his picturesque white cottage and the 14 hectares of land attached to it (known as Oura Oura) to the Bush Heritage Fund, a conservation organization that he founded with his Prize money over 20 years ago.
In the article, The Gift of Oura Oura on the Bush Heritage Australia website, Brown speaks about his feelings on donating the property:
“What a wonderful thing – that Bush Heritage has become such a strong, national organisation for the protection of ecosystems and habitats, and that they can take ownership of Oura Oura with such capable hands. I’m very, very, very happy that they are now custodians… It seems a perfect fit.”
To hear more from Bob Brown and for a glimpse of Oura Oura, check out the video below: