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2013 Goldman Prize Recipients Meet with Senior EPA Officials

May 3, 2013

While in Washington, DC last month, the 2013 Goldman Prize recipients had the opportunity to discuss their work with several senior staff at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), including acting EPA Administrator Robert Perciasepe and Senior Advisor to the Administrator for Environmental Justice, Lisa Garcia.

Other EPA staff in attendance included Cynthia Giles (Assistant Administrator, Enforcement and Compliance), Mathy Stanislaus (Assistant Administrator for Solid Waste and Emergency Response), Bicky Corman (Deputy General Counsel), and Charles Lee (Deputy Assistant Administrator for Environmental Justice).

Each of the Prize recipients had the opportunity to discuss their campaigns and highlight how the EPA’s support, assistance and partnership could be beneficial to their efforts in their home countries.

Speaking on behalf of the efforts of all Goldman Prize recipients, 2013 North American Prize recipient Kim Wasserman of Chicago stated to Perciasepe and the officials in the room that “we as communities at the local level want to work to push and empower the EPA to do its job effectively, especially its mandate to protect communities.”

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